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How to Slow Down in Golden: Winter Edition

How to Slow Down in Golden: Winter Edition

Posted by Frances on

Golden is a perfect balance between a quiet mountain town and an exciting adventure. There’s enough going on around here that you’ll feel like every moment is rich with activity and nature, but you don’t have to feel rushed whilst doing it. We’re off the beaten track, which takes us away from the hustle and bustle of big urban areas and makes time slow down here. This appeal brings many people back to visit again and again.

If you're hoping to find this tranquility during your stay in Golden, here are a few ideas on what you can do to make the moments long and meaningful:


Walk to get around

A wonderful trail network winds itself around and through Golden, this is called the Rotary Trail and it connects residential areas of Golden with beautiful forested trails, traces along our two rivers, the Kicking Horse and the Columbia, and connects into downtown by traversing over the famous timber pedestrian bridge. You can use this multi-purpose trail to walk, jog or fat bike in the winter and you’ll find very quickly how pleasant moments of transport can be in Golden, especially with the tall Rockies and Purcells rising up on either side of you. Download our Golden BC App for self-guided walking itineraries and more ideas on where to stroll in Golden.

Credit Dave Best


Connect with the community

Spend an evening at a live music or theatre performance put on by our community art organization, Kicking Horse Culture. These events feature talented musicians, performers, and artists and are a great opportunity to connect with locals and the local arts scene. You can also take a tour of the Art Gallery of Golden to explore this world a little further. AGOG, as it’s called, holds exhibits of artists from around the Columbia Valley and can show you a deeper perspective on the land and community that you’ve come to visit. Learn more about community events through our events calendar.

Credit Dave Best/ Credit Claire Dibble

Find solace in the quaint and quiet cafes

There’s nothing like taking a few hours to wind down in an ambient atmosphere. Golden has a handful of cafes and restaurants where you can sit down to write, think, read or just sit back and enjoy the vibe. Their menus often feature fresh, local ingredients so you can treat yourself while you soak in the time as it rolls by.

You can browse some of these dining options here.

Credit Abby Cooper

Stretch the moments with some lowkey activity

Getting outside can bring mindfulness to your time spent in Golden, but it doesn’t all have to be adrenaline sports. You can enjoy lowkey activities like ice skating or tobogganing at some local spots. Reflection Lake, for example, is a wonderful lookout point facing south down the Columbia Valley, and the lake is often cleared for ice skating. Nearby, you can sail down the slopes of Snake Hill on a toboggan, all the while getting impressive views of the Purcell mountain range from across the valley. Lace up instead at the local outdoor rink beside the tennis courts in town and maybe get a little game of shinny going with locals. 

Credit Dave Best


Golden makes it easy to balance adrenaline with quality, quiet time. It can be easy to get swept up in the activities, and those are definitely fun and will be a highlight of your trip, but the stillness of our mountain town has a magic of its own that will enhance your getaway. Don’t forget to stop and take a breath of the mountain air. 


Frances's picture


Frances is the social media and asset development coordinator with Tourism Golden. A creative and nature enthusiast; words, video and the trees inspire her.

Frances's picture


Frances is the social media and asset development coordinator with Tourism Golden. A creative and nature enthusiast; words, video and the trees inspire her.